Restaurant Dans Le Noir ? Strasbourg

About Us

Restaurant Dans Le Noir? in Strasbourg, France, offers an extraordinary dining experience that challenges the senses and redefines the act of dining. Located in the heart of the city, this unique establishment invites guests to enjoy a meal in complete darkness, guided and served by visually impaired waitstaff. This innovative concept not only provides a culinary adventure but also promotes social inclusion and raises awareness about visual impairment. The menu at Dans Le Noir? is crafted to surprise and delight, with dishes designed to enhance the sensory experience of taste and smell. Without the sense of sight, diners are encouraged to delve deeper into the flavours, textures, and aromas of their meal, discovering a new appreciation for the art of cuisine. The menu is kept a secret to maintain an element of surprise. Still, guests can expect a selection of dishes that reflect the best of French and international cuisine, prepared using high-quality, fresh ingredients. The ambience of Dans Le Noir? is one of mystery and anticipation. The dining room, shrouded in darkness, becomes a place where conventional perceptions are challenged and new connections are made. This environment fosters a unique sense of camaraderie among guests as they share in this singular experience, communicating and interacting in a way that transcends visual judgments.
Cuisines French, European
Restaurant Type Fine dining, Elegant & Chic
Services Disabled access
Payment Options Cash, Visa, American Express, Mastercard

Map & Contacts

Address 1 Av. Herrenschmidt
Strasbourg, 67000
Telephone (+33) 756800032